
Black And White Modern Design Shawl


Elina Ten Eco Couture Collection is award winning hand made wearable art, seamless and reversible from natural eco fibres: silk, extrafine merino wool, hemp, linen, alpaca, mohair. Created wearable artwork for Celine Dion, Miss Galaxy Canada, celebrities and many custom orders for unique ladies who loves art and sustainable slow fashion.
All garments are washable with shampoo or any detergent in Luke warm water and dry it flat and steam it or iron it on silk/ wool settings.
OOAK hand made seamless and reversible geometrical black and white long shawl from natural fibres: silk, extrafine merino wool, hemp, linen


The bold look of this shawl will simply impress you. The transparent natural fiber base has textured geometric elements that seem to be floating on their own. If you love textures this piece will definitely appeal to you.

Elina Ten Eco Couture Collection is award winning hand made wearable art, seamless and reversible from natural eco fibres: silk, extrafine merino wool, hemp, linen, alpaca, mohair. Created wearable artwork for Celine Dion, Miss Galaxy Canada, celebrities and many custom orders for unique ladies who loves art and sustainable slow fashion.
All garments are washable with shampoo or any detergent in Luke warm water and dry it flat and steam it or iron it on silk/ wool settings.
OOAK hand made seamless and reversible geometrical black and white long shawl from natural fibres: silk, extrafine merino wool, hemp, linen


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